I found the well participated UK India Leaders Conference held on 1 st March at the U.K
Parliament organised by Europe India Centre for Business and Industry (EICBI) immensely
interesting ,relevant ,timely and necessary in the context of strengthening business and
commercial relations between India and Britain.
The Conference provided a focused forum for entrepreneurs from both Britain and India to get a
deeper understanding of the present market situation along with practical knowledge on how to do business in each others' country .Such summits are all the more important now that the UK is making special efforts to engage with countries like India which are outside Europe in the post-Brexit era offering trade agreements as well as other mutually beneficial dealings.Britain and India ,the two key Commonwealth countries must find it easier to
build on the existing and well structured relations.
The opening address by Sujith Nair ,the Chair Person setting the scene clarifying the value and
purpose of the august gathering was followed by contributions from invited guest speakers and the event concluded with inputs from the floor by other participants .
The event naturally provided an opportunity for the Indian delegates to learn more about the UK market and tap opportunities in the UK and UK companies to learn more about opportunities in India.It is my considered view that events like this would help educate not just the public but even the elected representatives (Members of Parliaments ) in both countries .There were two members of the UK parliament ,Hon Virendra Sharma and Lord Rami Ranger ,to attend and

contribute to the discussions .
Finally one of the guest speakers invited the audience to think about the long term negative impact on India as a nation if UK and India continue with the newly agreed , although reciprocal arrangements which makes it very easy for bright young graduates to come over to Britain
either to study or to do any work even if they are unskilled leaving India. However it is only the Government of India that can think proactively and protect the long term interests of the nation.