I felt privileged to be invited to Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan while it celebrated the 76th Anniversary of the Independence of India. It obviously was a very well organised event under the direction of Dr Nanda Kumar , a distinguished Sanskrit scholar who recently received Kings Award for his years of dedicated and successful service at the Bhavan , the largest Centre for Indian classical arts in the UK.
The evening program consisted of brief addresses from the Chairman as well as well as the Special guests including HE Vikram Doraiswami , the Indian High Commissioner . Hon. Lord Loomba in his speech briefly touched on the Independence Movement led by Mahatma Gandhiji, Pundit Nehru and Sardar Patel etc giving them all credit for their able and purposeful leadership and sacrifices which brought about Indian independence 76 years ago
HE Vikram Doraiswami , the High Commissioner strongly and convincingly highlighted how India managed to survive as a democracy not just in name only but a functioning and vibrant one that guarantees Freedom of Speech, Independence of the Judiciary , free and fair elections etc . The High Commissioner complemented Bhavan for its inclusive approach vis-a-vis diverse and varied linguistic and musical traditions of India .
Bhavan ( continued) The speaking session was followed by a music and dance session which consisted of a few colourful and stunning musical and dance performances by well trained and experienced groups of youngsters . The musical session had such a nostalgic impact on those of us of Indian background .
The speaking session was followed by a music and dance session which consisted of a few colourful and stunning musical and dance performances by well trained and experienced groups of youngsters . The musical session had such a nostalgic impact on those of us of Indian background .